Канье Уэст написал оду McDonald’s

ТЕКСТ: Настя Калита

Ода стала вкладом певца в журнал Фрэнка Оушена Boys Don’t Cry, который появился после визуального альбома Endless, видеоклипа Nikes и альбома Blonde. Текст поражает более чем, хотя мы давно знали, что у картошки фри есть план. McDonalds man McDonalds man The French fries had a plan The French fries had a plan The salad bad and the ketchup



Ода стала вкладом певца в журнал Фрэнка Оушена Boys Don’t Cry, который появился после визуального альбома Endless, видеоклипа Nikes и альбома Blonde. Текст поражает более чем, хотя мы давно знали, что у картошки фри есть план.

McDonalds man
McDonalds man
The French fries had a plan
The French fries had a plan
The salad bad and the ketchup made a band
Cus the French fries had a plan
The French fries had a plan

McDonalds man
McDonalds man
I know them French fries had a plan
I know them French fries had a plan
The cheeseburger and the shakes formed a band
To overthrow the French fries plan
I always knew them French fries was evil man
Smelling all good and shit
I don’t trust no food that smells that good man
I don’t trust it
I just can’t

McDonalds man
McDonalds man
McDonalds, damn
Them French fries look good tho
I knew the diet Coke was jealous of the fries
I knew the McNuggets was jealous of the fries
I could see it through his artificial meat eyes
And he only be there some of the time
Everyone was jealous of them French fries
Expect for that one special guy
That smooth apple pie

#KanyeWest featured in the ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ magazine. Photography by @nabildo #TheMcdonaldsMan #BoysDontCry

A photo posted by KimKanyeKimYe (@kimkanyekimyeofficial) on

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