Британская модель Адвоа Абоа стала прообразом для новой куклы Barbie


Компания Barbie выпустила новую куклу, прообразом для которой стала британская модель и активистка Адвоа Абоа. Новая кукла войдет в юбилейную коллекцию, посвященную 60-летию Barbie, вместе с 20 другими. Все они олицетворяют женщин, которые могут стать хорошим примером для девочек по всему миру.

На голове у куклы Адвоа тюрбан Stephen Jones, на теле — платье Halpern, дополняют образ туфли Christian Louboutin. Точно такой же наряд модель надевала на вручение премии Fashion Awards в 2017 году.

В наборе есть еще и повседневный наряд для куклы — леопардовая юбка и футболка с надписью Gurls Talk — это название женской активистской платформы, запущенной Абоа.

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Life is mad and wonderful and I’m in total shock! So excited to finally share with you my very own @Barbie Shero doll today. Through my organisation @GurlsTalk and Barbie’s mission to close the Dream Gap, we have both been on journeys to empower girls to believe anything is possible and I’m thrilled to work with Barbie for her 60th Anniversary to share my story and the community we have nurtured on Gurls Talk. What an absolute honor to be awarded this because of all the work I do with Gurls Talk means even more. Mad love to everyone at Barbie and all the amazing artists who made my Doll (by hand). This is a dream come true!!!! My one of a kind doll is wearing the outfit I won model of the year In, another pivotal moment in my career The outfit is by my loves @HalpernStudio and @StephenJonesMillinery Shoes by @LouboutinWorld ♥ and a second outfit repping the love of my life Gurls Talk ♥ I CANT STOP SMILING! #MoreRoleModels #Shero #Barbie60 @BarbieStyle

Публикация от Adwoa Aboah (@adwoaaboah)

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My very own Barbie! It’s mad!! Seeing my own doll that has my skin colour, shaved head, freckles and my tattoo’s is beyond mad. I spent the majority of my childhood wishing for blonde hair, pining over Barbies light skin and blue eyes. All those years ago and I didn’t feel like I was represented anywhere. But today with my big toothy grin I feel so very proud to have been awarded this Shero doll for all the hard work I have put into myself and @gurlstalk All I hope is that some little girl out there sees this and realises that her wildest dreams are possible if she puts her mind to it. I hear you and see you, this doll is for you. #MoreRoleModels #Shero #Barbie60 @BarbieStyle

Публикация от Adwoa Aboah (@adwoaaboah)

Читайте также: Barbie выпустили кукол, одетых в наряды Yves Saint Laurent

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