Что нужно знать о флешмобе #FaceOfDepression?

Боремся с депрессией вместе!

Недавно в социальных сетях стал особенно популярен флешмоб #FaceOfDepression. Инициатором его стала вдова вокалиста Linkin Park Талинда Беннингтон. "Вот как выглядит депрессия, за 36 часов до смерти", – написала в своем Twitter Беннингтон.

Под таким тегом все желающие выкладывают свои счастливые фотографии, при этом рассказывают о борьбе с депрессией. Отдельно всеми участниками подчеркивается, что даже если человек улыбается и выглядит счастливым, все равно он может быть на грани самоубийства.


[Lifestyle post] In last days of September I found very important post published by @sherlyn_fitness that was inspired by @selfloveclubb As September is suicide prevention month, I want to add my own voice to this chorus. . There is no huge difference between this happy cheat-meal photo with churros (in Ukraine we usually don't have churros haha) and photos from Los Angeles. However that time I was crushed in pieces. I was broken as entrepreneur with my shop. I was broken as artist with relevance from #newyorkfilmacademy . I was broken as person that I knew for 24 years of my life. I'm truly lucky that my husband was with me all that time - he was looking over my health and thoughts, which probably saved my life. No matter what I continued to post here updates - cause for me it was part of work, important but heavy. That was difficult - reading all these comments about slut and sex wasn't fine when you feel broken. However I continued to smile for publicity. . Times are changing. I fell, I stand up and feel even stronger then before. I've got important experience and opened door to new possibilities. However my smile is the same then I was in step from suicide and hospital. . What I want to tell? Depression has lying face. Look over your friends and family. Even if they look happy, their soul can suffer from pain. . What I want to tell? Fight. You fell, you stand up. That is the main rule I studied this summer. Find your comfort zone, know your healing point, but stand and continue to go no matter what. Our body creates energy only if we move. And only energy will make us feel happy. . What I want to tell? You won't fall one time. As I fell this time, I will fall more. But you know what? I've got experience. I know, that if I will stand and fight, this horror will end. And I'll become even stronger. This is my own rule of evolution. . Find out your recreation zones. Family, hobby, activities. Especially gym - the more you spend the more you'll get. . This is my #faceofdepression story. I know that my life continues. And I'll try to get each moment of my life.

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В сети запустили флешмоб #faceofdepression И мне есть что рассказать. Год назад умер мой муж. Я впала в депрессию и на внешности это никак не отражалось. Я выглядела хорошо, старалась как-то себя развлекать и веселить. Но на самом деле мне было очень трудно. Чтобы встать утром и приготовить себе завтрак порой уходило пол дня. А перед сном я пила таблетки, так как бессонница не давала уснуть. Когда я обращалась к друзьям за помощью - большинство из них говорили, что тебе просто нужно делать то и то. И вот тогда у тебя все пройдёт. Или что на самом деле тебе нравится страдать, и ты ленишься. Или что ты ещё молодая, и найдешь себе другого. Кто-то даже умудрился сказать мне это на кладбище на похоронах. Или кто-то настолько был не готов соприкасаться с моим горем, что не приходил ко мне, не звонил и не писал ничего. Кто-то видя меня и какие-то мои действия говорили о своих ожиданиях. По их мнению я должна была как-то по особенному поступать или действовать, или выглядеть. Я постоянно слышала вопрос "Как ты?" И даже не знала как от него защититься. Потому-что было очень тяжело описывать своё состояние. Я просто не знала, что у меня за состояние. Мне была нужна помощь. Я ее искала, но дело в том, что я не знала какая помощь мне нужна. И когда меня спрашивали "Я могу тебе чем-то помочь?"- я просто не знала чем,но мне правда нужна была помощь. Две недели назад у меня умер папа. И мне казалось что я вроде только оправилась от депрессии. Но теперь это мое фоновое состояние. Состояние боли. Мне правда нужна помощь. Но я не знаю какая. По этому я стараюсь помогать себе сама. И иногда помощь самой себе выражается в защите самой себя. Иногда я становлюсь грубой. Иногда я просто молчу. Иногда я чрезмерно активна. Иногда я смеюсь. Это все нормальные человеческие состояния. Проявление депрессии оно не постоянное. Его не распознать по внешности, голосу или словам. Это психическое состояние, которое можно лишь почувствовать. Если у вас есть возможность. Если у вас есть возможность почувствовать. Во время депрессии мне очень помогло то, что я занималась физическими упражнениями. В моем случае это была йога и бег. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #берегителоразвивайдушу⭐️

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This is the #faceofdepression. . . But I'm smiling, right? I'm not curled up in a corner. I'm outside. Near a beach. Loving life. . . . You wouldn't know that when I went home I had thoughts of finding a gun to end my pain. You wouldn't know I cried uncontrollably because the panic and anxiety settled in and I couldn't breathe. . . . I could lie. I could say something else. It's online after all. Who wants to know the truth? Who actually cares? Who would follow someone who shares all this dark stuff anyway? . . . Because life is light and darkness. It's good and bad. We are the yin and yang. . . . Mental health doesn't have a look. We are all worthy of help, of love, of understanding. And we are all deserving of hearing AND speaking our struggles, triumphs, and emotions. Especially our emotions. #endthestigma #mentalhealthawareness

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This is one of the hardest things that I’ve ever had to share, but given that it’s National Suicide Prevention Month, I feel the need to help spread awareness on this topic. This is a #faceofdepression. On May 2, 2015, I woke up and decided to take my own life. Thankfully, my attempt failed. I was rushed to the ER in time with a severed artery and nerve. This photo was taken a few short weeks after my attempt. I was still severely depressed and suicidal, but no one would ever guess it from this photo. I’m posting this not for sympathy or pity, but to show that depression does not discriminate, nor does it have one "face." It has no rhyme or reason. It can just as easily consume someone who suffered a terrible loss as well as someone who has absolutely everything going for them. I was extremely high functioning and easily flew under the mental illness radar. I worked multiple jobs and internships, was less than a month away from graduation, had amazing people in my life - but none of that mattered. In fact, I used these things as my mask and hid my depression from the world. People have told me to “snap out of it,” and that my suicide attempt was “immature and selfish” and that I just needed to “look at the bigger picture.” Mental illness is not a choice. Believe me, I told myself everyday that I had no reason to be depressed. I counted my blessings. I tried doing all the things that once made me happy. But the gray veil got heavier and heavier each day. The light at the end of the tunnel got more and more distant and eventually disappeared. I felt like I was fighting an uphill battle that I would never win. I felt like a burden and I could see those closest to me getting weighed down. I could remove their burden. I could alleviate my own pain. And so I tried. Today, I am so grateful to be alive and breathing. I am so grateful for the struggle everyday in life. I celebrate the struggle. However, there are those who are still fighting everyday for a reason to stay alive. Approach them with love, acceptance and understanding instead of stigma and judgment. We’re all fighting our own battles. Let’s help each other survive and thrive.

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My September story for the National Suicide Prevention Month #faceofdepression It has been nearly 10 years since my little sister committed suicide. A few weeks after she turned 20 she jumped in front of a train. She was the best sister I could have ask for. The kindest friend ever with the biggest heart. She was the one which was loved by everyone, the one who never let you down. She left a hole which will never be filled again. Left broken hearts who wished to have ask more... People should stop being afraid to talk about suicide it can happen to everyone. Look around you and behind the happy faces of your loved once. Your life will never be the same because most of the time these are your friends who touched your heart the most...who are always there when you needed them and the once which are impossible to replace by anyone else. Just make sure you be the same good friend as they are to you...don't take them for granted!!! #depression #sister #heartbroken #bestfriends

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-Upper left: 16 years old. Yearbook editor. 3.8 gpa. Mere months away from my first antidepressant prescription. - Upper right: 19 years old. Having amazing adventures with my best friends. Dating a guy I was incredibly in love with. Started seeing my first therapist. - Lower left: 26 years old. Smiling at the Getty villa in designer clothing 4 weeks postpartum. Perfect birth. Perfect baby that I'm in love with. A husband with 8 weeks of paternity leave. 3 weeks after sitting in a hospital gown screaming uncontrollably waiting for social workers, psychiatrists, and my ob to diagnose me with not one but 3 postpartum onset mood disorders (but thankfully not psychosis) while my husband took care of our 5 day old baby. - Lower right: 29 years old. On a train ride through a plantation in Kauai one day after depression pushed me into an hours long crying fit and total despair... Even though I had spent the 2 weeks prior island hopping, horseback riding, and exploring beautiful rainforests and beaches, basically living the dream. For 17 years, I've heard "you don't look depressed" and "what do you have to be depressed about" and "well you seemed fine yesterday, earlier, last night, a second ago." For years I've been called lazy when I sleep for 16 hours straight while people around me willfully ignore that it's the behavior that bookends my major depressive episodes. This is my #faceofdepression My depression never leaves. Sometimes it's quiet and forgettable like the tiny ache in my right wrist that hasn't gone away from a now 7 year old yoga injury. Other times it is overwhelming and clamorous and infiltrates every second of my day and every breath that I breathe. So yes, I suffer from depression & I still smile & travel & play with my kid & hang out with my friends & take care of my family when I can. I know what my options are and I choose this one: hope, embracing the good moments even when they're few and far between, continuing to fight even when I don't want to, even when I'm exhausted, even when I can't see the point. Forever. Always. I hope you'll continue to fight too. You're not alone. Help is out there.1-800-273-8255 chat info ⬇

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